Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dancing with Richard Simmons and Jo

Walk, walk, walk.

Watch out!  
Frances and I are hitting the halls for our afternoon walking.

I'm irritated!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Morning Exercises

I had a new addition to my morning exercises this morning.  After doing my 45 minutes of scheduled exercise, I got to add these exciting moves to my morning.  You may want to try them for optimum use of each muscle group.

1.  Set off the home alarm opening the door to the garage to do my duty to the earth by putting my empty bottle in the recycling.  Quick!  Sprint back in the house and find the phone before the alarm company sends the police.

2.  Elevated Heart Rate when you don't get to the phone in time and you think the police will be on your street at any moment announcing to the neighbors what a loser you are at 6am.

3.  Rest period before next set (the alarm company has called back and you have successfully held off the police for this morning.)

4.  Drop your bowl of oatmeal on the floor.

5.  Excercise multiple muscle groups bending and stretching to clean up the shattered bowl and gooey oatmeal from  the floor, cabinets and off of the frig.

6.  Load up your shoulders with your packed lunch (which now takes a huge lunch box to fit all of your fruits and veggies) along with all of your school paraphenalia plus your purse.

7.  Lean over making all of the contents of your purse fall onto the floor.

8.  Exercise multiple muscle groups bending and stretching to retrieve purse contents and rearrange your bags on your shoulders so that you look like a Christmas Tree.

9.  Sprint for your car because you are now going to be late for work.

10.  How am I today?  Great!  I burned 50,000 calories before I even got to work!

stay tuned.....Pam

Laura Intern Extraordinaire

I finally caught the last 

of my competitors with 

my camera.  

Well actually, I didn't 

have my camera and 

resorted to taking 

this pic with my phone.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Smile, it's picture time.

My competitors can never predict 
when I will show up with my camera.
stay tuned...Pam

Vegetarian Chili

Please tell me.  
How can chili loaded with ground Turkey be vegetarian?  
Yep.  The recipe is for vegetarian chili.
The last time I checked a Turkey was not a vegetable.
stay tuned.....Pam